“Over the Edge” Geotechnical Exploration Drilling
Client: Hart Crowser, Seattle, WA
Equipment: CME 85
Description: Drilled four 150-foot borings and four 180-foot borings for geotechnical exploration in preparation for Seattle’s Terminal 5 proposed expansion. Installed surface casings down to 80 feet (to the mud line) then utilized a mud system to minimize the environmental impact of the drilling. The mud created during drilling traveled through the casing and into our mud system on the pier where it was cleaned then pumped back into the hole. This system not only contained all the drilling fluids it also minimized any potential environmental impact related to the drilling.
Challenge: The borings had to be drilled over the edge of a pier. With no place for the drill rig operator to stand, we designed a custom a platform. The new platform is ultra-sturdy with multiple redundancies. With this new platform we can drill over the edge of anything we can park a drill rig on.
See more projects or contact us today to talk with a drilling professional about your drilling project.